Thursday, January 18, 2018

Introduction to a Letters Major

I'm a letters major, which in my case means I'm indecisive. I have a long list of jobs I know I'd hate, and a mid-size list of jobs I know I could do and be relatively satisfied with. So, rather than acquire a specific career skill-set, I'm essentially majoring in learning how to think real good. After I graduate I'll apply for as many decent-sounding jobs as I can squish letters into fitting the degree requirements for, and see where it takes me. At the least, it sounds like an adventure, right?

Anyway, my career indecision may make me sound like a Libra, but as it happens, I'm an Aquarius. I have a strange relationship with astrology, in that I think there is absolutely no way that the stars have anything to do with who I am as a person, but at the same time I love reading horoscopes and personality descriptions for both me and my girlfriend, an actual Libra. As a result, I am an armchair expert about Aquarius and Libra, and know absolutely nothing about the rest of the signs.

One of the Aquarius stereotypes that does actually fit me, however, is an interest in conspiracy theories. As with astrology, I'm a skeptic at heart. But while my limited investment in the zodiac has more to do with my enjoyment of reading others' assessments of me and using it to figure out what I think is actually true about myself, my consumption of conspiracy theories is based in an interest in perspective. On the surface they're intriguing on their own, but that's not all there is to it. I find it fascinating that if you take an incomplete set of facts relating to an event or situation and present them together with a hint of shady context, a story can seem to obviously form. One example of this is the Umbrella Man, as described in this video from the New York Times.

I first saw this video in a class last semester called Secret Societies, taught by Dr. Kevin Butterfield. I definitely recommend taking the class if you can fit it in. Dr. Butterfield himself is completely skeptical, and he gets you thinking about why people are drawn to belief in conspiracy theories in the first place, and how they reflect the values and concerns of our society at a given place and time. You also learn a lot of obscure history, which is fun.

Plug for a good class aside, that's a little bit about me! Let me know if you have any outrageous (or believable) conspiracy theories to share!

The Signs As Conspiracy Theories. Web Source.


  1. That Letters major gives you so much freedom as you create your college experience, Taylor: wonderful! As you probably have guessed from the design of this class, I am all in favor of people making choices and building their own educational paths. :-)

    And I love this combination of astrological signs with conspiracy theories... that sounds exactly like a Storybook project in the making! Wikipedia is a wonderful source for all things astrological, with lots of information about the astrological signs, plus all the constellations and their stories, not just in Greek mythology but in other cultures also (the stars make everyone want to tell stories). So definitely explore something like that when you get to the Storybook brainstorming later this week. And Wikipedia is always a good place to start:
    Hindu Astrology
    Chinese Astrology

  2. Hey Taylor!

    I am right there with you regarding your future plans. I have changed my major five times since I have been in college, and I still don't know exactly what I am going to do when I get older. So I can understand the struggle!

    I love learning about conspiracy theories. If I wasn't graduating this semester, I would definitely try to take that class. I watch all of the shows about conspiracy theories. It seems so crazy because they get your mind racing about something that you've never thought about before.

  3. Hey Taylor!

    I have had a few friends who were Letters majors and rather than thinking of it as being indecisive, think of yourself as having too many skills to just pick one! I am really good in the science department, but stick me in a history class and i'm scrambling. I have never really looked into horoscopes and quite frankly dont even know my own astrological sign. After reading your intro, I may go do some investigating and find out!

  4. Hi Taylor! I love how you think of horoscopes as a way to decipher how people perceive you. My friends and I used to read our horoscopes all the time, and it was always funny when the stars seemed to align perfectly with that person's astrological sign! You're right about conspiracy theories: it's very easy to see how stories form when given a little room to grow! Most of the conspiracy theories I have heard of are pretty hilarious, but some of them do give me a little pause and really make me think. Professor Butterfield's class sounds like a great way to delve into the development of stories from existing facts, and maybe they can explain the origins of so many of our conflicting and similar stories across cultures!

  5. Hi, Taylor!

    I appreciate your perspective on conspiracy theories as the creation of a story from a set of incomplete facts. It reminds me of a perspective I've heard from one of my communication professors. We study a theory of dissonance and its reduction, which basically argues that when beliefs and actions (or reality) do not match, something must change to reduce the discomfort (or dissonance) that arises. Essentially, my professor claimed that we create conspiracy theories because we are more comfortable believing an outrageous explanation than having no explanation at all. Regardless of why conspiracy theories arise, I agree that they are incredibly interesting!

    Best of luck in your search for a career within your major!

  6. Hey Taylor! I am a transfer who has changed her degree multiple times. I sympathize with you not being able to figure your future out in such a short amount of time. I never thought for a second growing up that I would end up being a marketing major. Life is funny that way. Thank you for sharing your bio with us!

  7. Taylor,
    I can relate to not knowing what you want to do! I not only transferred schools after two years, but I also completely changed majors!
    I too do not believe in the power of the stars but I enjoy reading my own horoscope from time to times. Some of them hit the nail on the head! But others are way off. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Hi Taylor, I'm Naomee. You introduction was fun to read and I found out we have something in common: our Zodiac sign is Aquarius! I think horoscopes are fascinating, especially when they accurately reflect or predict one's reality. Although I am not a letters major, I can kind of relate to your love of reading books. From doing so, I've also learned my passion for writing. I hope you have the best semester!

  9. Hi Taylor, nice to meet you! Majoring in letters is very interesting, I feel like it gives you a lot of freedom to decide what direction you want to go. Your thoughts on conspiracy theories and horoscopes were fun to read about. Although I am a gemini, I'm sure we'd get along great.

  10. Hi Taylor, nice to meet you!
    We do have something in common, I love watching conspiracy videos as well. Sometimes when I start watching them I will have different ones for hours on hours. I guess I get carried away. I have never really been into the horoscope stuff, but my roommates always send me the links on facebook so I read them every now and then. Also, I am impressed you are majoring in letters. That is awesome. I hope you have a great rest of the semester!

  11. Hey Taylor! I was excited to read your blog when I saw a picture of Zodiac signs. I'm a Taurus, which I know you said you know nothing about, but like you I don't think the stars control anything... Yet, I read my horoscope almost daily. Sometimes it's just too interesting! I also love conspiracy theories. I've probably watched all of the videos on the internet regarding mass shootings in the US (morbid, I know), but I love how they get you thinking. I've heard about letters being a major, but I don't know too much about it. Sounds awesome - good luck this semester!

  12. Hey Taylor,
    I'm an Aquarius as well and actually wrote about how I'm a horrible one in my introduction. I definitely act more like a Capricorn, which happens to be my Moon sign! Your moon sign might be a libra! I can definitely sympathize with your "indecision" in regards to choosing a career path. For similar reasons, I chose to be a Biology major. I have no idea what I want to do, but I know I like science.

    1. As it happens, my Moon sign is also Capricorn! We must have close birthdays, haha. Maybe our career uncertainty stems from that?

  13. I love the indecisive-as-letters major trope (I'm a letters major too). My favorite joke is that I didn't like numbers, so I majored in Letters. I still need to take Secret Societies... I work with Butterfield sometimes in IACH, but have yet to take a class with him. If you get a chance, I'd also recommend taking a class with Andrew Porwancher, who comes back from his sabbatical next semester.

  14. Hi Taylor! I gotta say I am quite indecisive as well, which is why I am on my second and a half major. That doesn't make a lot of sense, but it does to me. I started out civil engineering, went to change to advising to change to biology, but left that meeting with a psych major... Anyways, I totally relate on that horoscope front. Some of that horoscope stuff is gold, but when I feel like it doesn't actually apply, I stop believing in it. I also love conspiracy theories. I am a Leo and I gotta say... the moon landing was fake. Just kidding! But really. I can't wait to see more from you.

  15. Hi Taylor! I was indecisive when I was picking my major and ended up changing it a couple of times. Have you thought about going to law school with a Letters major? A couple of my friends from high school are doing the same major and are planning on going to Law school. I would hate to have to go to even more school, but maybe that is something you would like.

  16. Hi Taylor! I had no clue a letter major existed here at Ou but that's super cool! To be honest, I feel that we are all a little indecisive about our majors even when we have a declared one. It's hard to know what we want to do or would be good at. It's kind of a leap in faith when picking a major lol. I like that your about you post is about horoscopes, while I am with you that I dont think the stars can tell us the future, I find myself reading mine every now and then just for fun. I look forward to reading other posts you have!

  17. Hey Taylor. It's interesting to hear a Letters major described as learning how to "think real good" (although I will admit that I'm not exactly sure WHAT a Letters major is...).

    I've never been into astrology or conspiracy theories myself, but I do see a lot of Tumblr posts like the one in your screenshot and look at my own sign (Virgo here), so I guess I'm a little similar in the "disbelief but interest in my own sign" part.

  18. Hi Taylor! The letters major has always been really interesting to me, because it seems like you get to learn about so many different interesting things. I'm right with you on not knowing what I want to do after graduating, and it seems like you could make your major look good on a lot of different job applications. I feel about the same way as you do about horoscopes and conspiracy theories.

  19. Hi Taylor! It sounds like you have really tried to have a holistic education experience and that is something to be proud of! You will definitely be able to find a career you are happy with with that degree. I am on the same page about having a limited interest in astrology, I would like to get more into it but definitely do not believe that the stars control our behaviors. I can't wait to read your stories!

  20. It's awesome that you are studying Letters! I recently discovered what that major really entails. My boyfriend studied that here at OU for undergrad and when we first met, he talked a lot about what options the major gives you. He is now in OU's law school, which I think is the most common result of a Letters Degree. Is law school on your list for post graduation plans?

  21. Hi Taylor! I think that it is so cool that you are a letters major! That must have been so exciting taking that class about conspiracy theories. I think I would have enjoyed it. It’s too bad that I am graduating this semester or else I definitely would have taken that class. I wish you the best of luck finding a job with your letters major!

  22. Hey Taylor! I definitely think it is interesting that you're a letters major! I know a few letters majors and I always find it cool when they talk about their classes! Like you, I am also very indecisive and I also like reading horoscopes and stuff like that for fun :) I hope you have a great rest of the semester!

  23. Hi Taylor! It is so nice to finally meet you, and I am glad I got to read one of your stories and learn about you through your introduction post before our course is over! Wow that's awesome that you are a Letters Major. Also, I really like that you added a video to your introduction page! That video of the umbrella man is very intriguing.

  24. Hey Taylor! It is great to meet you, I am currently in the Indian Epics class. It is also great to meet a Letters major. I don't think it means that you don't know what you want to do in life. Any major can be applied in the professional world. I am an International Studies major and I have also had the same thoughts at some point.

  25. Hello again,

    I might not be a letters major, but I am right there with you as far as indecisiveness goes. Being a WGS major, I know I’ll have to “squish” my degree into applications to find a job, haha. Astrology is fun to read about, and like a true Libra, I can never make up my mind how I feel about it. Conspiracy theories are the best! I love to read about all sorts, but I find myself drawn more towards cryptids and things surrounding them. I looked up the Secret Societies class after reading your post because WOW does that sound right up my alley! Unfortunately I cannot take any upper-division classes next semester. Maybe Dr. Butterfield would let me audit the class? Anywho, you seem really cool and I hope this semester has been great for you!
